顧廣毅為國立陽明交通大學應用藝術研究所暨說故事與多媒體跨域學程的兼任助理教授。2021年起於英國雪菲爾哈倫大學攻讀博士學位,研究主題是藝術、設計與生物科學的跨領域研究。他也是 TW BioArt 台灣生物藝術社群共同創辦人,活躍於荷蘭與台灣從事生物藝術創作工作。碩士畢業於荷蘭恩荷芬設計學院(Design Academy Eindhoven)社會設計研究所(MA, Social Design)、國立陽明大學臨床牙醫學研究所、實踐大學媒體傳達設計研究所,大學畢業於高雄醫學大學牙醫學系;具有牙醫師、生物藝術家以及推測設計師等多重身分。他試圖拓展藝術、設計與科學結合的可能性,作品主要專注於臨床醫學、人類身體、人與其他物種的關係以及性別議題,嘗試藉由藝術實踐與設計方法去探索科學領域中的倫理問題,並藉此思考科技、人類個體和環境之間的關係。
Kuang-Yi Ku
Kuang Yi Ku is a part-time assistant professor at the Institute of Applied Arts, as well as the Storytelling & Multimedia Cross-Disciplinary Program at NYCU Taiwan. In 2021, he begins his doctoral journey at lab4living (design and health research lab) in Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. His research topic is “Facing the Biological Divide: collaborations between art, design and bioscience”. He is an active and internationally well known bio-artist based in the Netherlands and Taiwan.He has graduated with triple master degrees with social design from Design Academy Eindhoven, dentistry from National Yang-Ming University and communication design from Shih Chien University. He is a bio-artist, social designer and former dentist. He also co-founded TW BioArt (Taiwan bioart community) to stimulate the fields of BioArt and Science+Art in Taiwan. His works often deal with human body, sexuality, interspecies interaction and medical technology, aiming to investigate the relationships among technology, individual and environment.