

賴雯淑於美國愛荷華大學完成藝術設計碩士(MA、MFA)和藝術教育博士(Ph.D)學位,曾任美國愛荷華大學國際中心平面藝術設計師、美國德州Angelo State University助理教授。曾獲2011年傅爾布萊特專業藝術家獎助與2016年美國加州柏克萊大學訪問學者赴美研究。目前為陽明交通大學應用藝術研究所教授,也是陽明交通跨領域藝術團隊主持人、陽明交大文化研究國際中心研究員。透過藝術實踐、研究與教學,以藝術存有學視域出發,探索藝術的問題,思考人的意義。研究領域和藝術實踐包括:藝術介入、跨域藝術、質疑性設計、藝術詮釋學、幽靈敘事、圖文敘事、藝術家的書。

Wen-Shu Lai

MA, MFA, Ph.D. from University of Iowa
Professor, Institute of Applied Arts
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu Taiwan

Wen-Shu Lai attended the University of Iowa, where she had earned her MA and MFA degrees in Art, and Doctoral degree in Art Education. Lai was the primary graphic artist at International Programs, University of Iowa from 1996 to 2001. Later, she taught at Angelo State University in Texas as an assistant professor of art from 2001 to 2004. Currently she is a professor in the Institute of Applied Arts at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Taiwan. She was a recipient of the Fulbright Grant for Art in 2008, and a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley, USA in 2016. She is also the leader of transArt NYCU team and a researcher of the International Institute for Cultural Studies at NYCU. Through art praxis, research and teaching, she raises artistic inquiries and ponders upon the ontological meaning of being in the world. Her art praxis and research interests are in Art Intervention, Cross-disciplinary Arts, Interrogative Design, Hermeneutic Theory, Phantom Narratives, Graphic Narratives, Narratives, and Artist’s Books.


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