

林欣怡為國立清華大學藝術與設計學系副教授、陽明交大文化研究國際中心研究員。作品聚焦於閾限主體、多重文本、歷史聲語、身體書寫等主題,目前專注於感官民族誌、反身性紀錄片、實驗影像與新媒體藝術研究。作品曾於威尼斯雙年展台灣館、新加坡國際電影節、瑞士真實影展 Media Library 、韓國釜山短片影展、高雄電影節、台灣國際女性影展、南方影展、香港獨立電影節等中放映展出。

LIN, Hsin-I

LIN, Hsin-I is a film-maker and an associate professor at the Department of Arts and Design, National Tsing Hua University and a researcher of the International Institute for Cultural Studies at NYCU. She is the director of the award-winning films Letter #69 (2016), 3 Islands (2015). Her scholarly interest is focused on the visual anthropology and the intersection between new media, experimental and sensory ethnographic film and art practices. LIN is also the researcher of the International Center for Cultural Studies, ICCS_NYCU.

Along with her intention to develop new issues, she has turned toward reflexive ethnography documentary, reportage theatre, and the third voice films. She has screened films at multiple film festivals and museums including the Singapore International Film Festival, Busan International Short Film Festival, Hong Kong Independent Film Festival, Media Library, Visions du Réel International Film Festival NYON, Urban Nomad Film Fest, Women Make Waves Film Festival, Kaohsiung Film Festival, South Taiwan Film Festival, and various international film festivals and museum.


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