


Ru-Tsun Mai

Department of Biological Science and Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Ru-Tsun Mai is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Biological Science and Technology at National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan. His research expertise includes biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular virology, and cancer biology, focusing on exploring molecular mechanisms that cause cancer and thereby developing novel anti-cancer strategies. With a BS degree in veterinary medicine, he currently teaches laboratory animal-related courses at NCTU and continuingly pays attention to ethical and moral issues regarding animal welfare and animal rights arisen from the processes of biomedical research. Gradually, he expands the scope of interest to the ethical and moral issues derived from the development of biotechnology. By introducing these ethical discussions and cooperating with artist, he hopes to provide the opportunities for social care and reflection to researchers in the field of biotechnology, to envisage the possible impacts and controversies caused by major breakthroughs in biotechnology, and to arouse the public's attention to such issues with the assistance of artistic creations.


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